very excited to announce that weendo have been invited to support Alan Reed in UK…next Feb/March 2018. We will be only 3 members of the band..for acoustic shows. Dear UK friends, weendo is back !!☺️

Alan Reed said : “We’ll be joined by the fantabulous, Weend’o, who’re coming all the way from France to see you. So it’s the least you could do really  :-)
Southampton tickets via venue website, Stoke and Glasgow via my Bandcamp site. We regret we are unable to accept book tokens, postal orders or Timothy White’s vouchers.”

Gigs : 

- 27 Feb : Southampton, Talking Heads (ticket on their website :

- 28 Feb : Stroke-on-Trent, Eleven (ticket on Alan Reed’s Bandcamp :

- 01 Mar : Glasgow, Ivory Blacks (ticket on Alan Reed’s Bandcamp :